Wednesday 8 April 2009

How do you Play Chess?


  1. Chess success secrets gives you the very same hardcore tips and strategies used by Grand Masters to win tournaments for decades!

    Just imagine what it'll be like when you put these techniques to use and start to win more games than ever before, with less effort than ever before! You'll be able to take on just about anyone...and win hands down!

    Who will you "test" your new found chess techniques on first? A friend, perhaps a family member?

    Maybe you'll head over to your local chess club and challenge one of the "experts" to a game...and check mate him in 10 or 12 moves. Imagine the look of disbelief on his face after being beat so easily by YOU!

    Can you picture it? I certainly can! In fact, these strategies have been used for years to...

    "CRUSH The Egos Of Even The Most Experienced Chess Players Lightning Fast!"

  2. This short article will give Fundamental Chess Strategies for Beginners. Using the following Strategies, the complete Beginner through to a Player of more Experience will see an Improvement in their game and an overall increase in the number of Chess Games they win.

    The game of Chess has been played for centuries and has stood the test of time. It is a game of skill, wit and knowledge and is a great exercise of the mind. To this day people from all walks of life enjoy pitting their wits against other Chess opponents. Chess has also seen a bit of a comeback in recent years.

    When the game of Chess is first taken up the Fundamental rules must be learned, that govern how a game is won and how each if the Chess pieces can move around the board. Once an understanding has been obtained by beginners, Basic Chess Strategies can then be added into the mix. Simple Chess moves can have a dramatic effect on the overall success rate of the beginners game.

    The following are my top Chess Strategies for Beginners, although they can also be used by more Experienced Players;

    1) Take your time. A much overlooked Chess Technique but it's fundamental to ensure mistakes are not made.

    2) Undertake a 'castling' move wherever possible.

    3) Try to plan several (at least 3) moves in advance.

    4) Beware of your sacrifices. Never sacrifice a piece for one of lower value.

    5) Linked to the above point never sacrifice a Queen, and although Bishops and Knights are the same in points, always favour keeping a Bishop above a Knight.

    5) Avoid premature attacks. Bind your time to favour your overall long term Chess Strategy.

    6) Do not be tempted to advance one side only of your pieces. You must keep a uniform defensive front as far as is possible.

    Although my top Chess Strategies for Beginners will give a sound platform for building your Chess game upon, there are hundreds more Advanced Techniques that can be adopted to further develop your game. You will never know every single Trick and Technique in the game of Chess but the above Strategies will improve your game no end!

  3. Watch and Study a More Advanced Chess Player at work: You should soon pick up some valuable Tips and Strategies.
