Thursday 11 June 2009

How much will a Litre of Unleaded Petrol Cost in the UK, in 2015?

Please leave your Prediction as a Comment...

I Would say... £1.55!


  1. Probably be about £1.30 a Litre in 2015...

  2. if the goverment keeps how it is we probably will need a permit to buy fuel which probably be some thing like 5 quid a month then a service charge for the pump then the cost for the litre probably 3 quid odd cos the uk is shit and the goverment rob us blind

  3. By 2015 we will be well past peak oil, demand will have outstripped supply. More wars to secure oil by most world countries. UK governmentbe rationng fuel. cost of heating fuel and food will be sky high and rising. Jobs will be lost daily. We will be in a spiraling donwards recession from which no government in the world can purchase its way out of. Welcome to a POST PEAK OIL SOCIETY
